Tu és o que eu sou e o que podemos ser. ~ Imutável Renovação.

Frase vinda de uma montanha cósmica, vila de cristais, criação seriamente divina-harmoniosa-equilibrada: “Existe uma dimensão que se opõe pelo verbo, enquanto ele vivifica, aproveitamos a busca de mais do mesmo, a sintonia telúrica, a bolha maior. Aquele que reconhece o símbolo, ou mesmo pede ajuda para entender, será amado.”

<aside> 🌎 **Clique aqui para entrar na Tripulação Celestial no → (WhatsApp) ← ou → (Discord) ←**


→ Saudações. Boas vindas.

Connecting Beings & Constructing Harmony.

Analog and digital platform to discover what is happening, what happened, why and how to make things happen. Reunion of what evokes.

**The structure and the guide are so clear as the unveiling of the so illusory interface, since inside of the ciclic valley of eternal disappearing action.

In construction! please and thank you: ignore the pages below, since they are merely sketches of a lovely dream, of a future building - also feel free to explore, connect ideas and help.**

<aside> 🌳 **→ (WhatsApp) ←→ (Discord) ←**


<aside> <img src="/icons/sun_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/sun_yellow.svg" width="40px" />

Estrutura e navegação. O que é e como usar.

Current State. Where you are at, whats happening.

🗞️ News

Rapid Events. Politics and Governments, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Journal of Each Division and Bubble.

🕊️ Zeitgeist

Defined events. Global Agenda for Events and Prophecies.

Actions. Restore harmony and lift mother Earth and its Spirits.

🧺 Supply

Actions to rescue souls, improve life, save nature.

🧘 Network

Events and Connections.

Interaction. For new comers, and evens, is for everyone, also, if you forgot something, go to Lore, if you need have an advice, go to operation.

🌻 Guided Lore

Structure Values of the Platform and Lore of Ones-Reality.


🛎️ Operation

Portal Solar Engines, about the structure and the maintenance.

🗿 Gallery Museum

World Map. Learn about the craft and about the mind.


  1. Me ajude com a responsabilidade.
  2. A inteligência artificial deve ser freada, enquanto a burrice natural prevalece, devemos nos unir como raças, e estudar, já que podemos, as antigas civilizações, seguir e melhorar seus caminhos, adaptando aos nossos, criando leis e convenções que junto ao trompete dourado e ao tabor libertador, a Terra brilhará tanto que o Universo inteiro se orgulhará de nossas nascentes, de como usamos, preservamos e aproveitamos o tempo aqui.
  3. Every word, formed thought, put in this world has its value of true. the ones who can conceive what was written with blood can recognize and act upon in it. one can live life as it appear, nor searching or questioning, and that can be great, albeit somewhat traumatic. the one who choses to investigates and decode symbols, can help increasingly on the healing of Earth an its reins - contributing to the shining light, he can awake, enjoy the highest realms, at the early stage.
  4. Friends like that, who can count on each other, who have goals and who could uplift the rise, even so, if no aware of the invisible truth, is what I seek. A basis of chats, since we were blessed with the verb, and the ones who can use it, must rise the talks.
  5. The operation can be confusing, how to start and how to act? We are friends because in order to create inspired works, we locally help each other, asking the most profound questions